Sunday, March 16, 2014

Members of the European Parliament Play Dress-Up… With Snowden Masks

"MEP’s threatened today to revoke the Parliament's consent to the EU-US mammoth free trade  currently being negotiated if blanker surveillance by the US intelligence services continues."

MEPs just passed a resolution ending an inquiry by a civil liberties committee into the allegations made by US National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Basically, they made a statement by wearing Snowden masks to show their opposition to a global mass surveillance program. Specifically, they suggested that the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ”could be endangered" if blanket mass surveillance by the NSA does not stop. The resolution passed 544-78, with 60 abstentions. Quite a statement, if you ask me.

The resolution also calls on the EU to suspend its bank data deal with the US and the “Safe Harbour agreement” on data privacy. 

Find the link to the article here:

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