Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Conservative party election plans for social media

I read an interesting blog by professor Michael Geist regarding the planned use of social media by the Conservative party before and during the next election. The role that social media plays in communications with voters increases each election, yet I was surprised to learn they weren't just planning timely conversation and announcements. They can use the "likes" from posts on Facebook to determine who might have an ear for the Conservative party, identify them personally, and approach them for support. It doesn't seem much stretching is required, and yet it's definitely feels to me like a misuse of the information.  I don't want to inadvertently subscribe to email spam, let alone be contacted by a local political group. I thought it was a different slant of the government's use of personal information, but tied in well to our discussion last week.  The blog is linked below (it's the 2nd posting) and is much more interesting than the article in the Star, to which it's tied.

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