Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mind Map Exercise: Date Change.

Given the shift in dates and the new submission date for the 2nd writing assignment, the date for submitting a map mind is now changed to the next class: Wednesday, 10 March 2016. 

I have been asked if there is a preference as to the program to use. There is none. Simply send me a .pdf of the map when you’re ready to submit but no later than 14h30 (2:30 pm) on the 10th.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2nd Writing Assignment

This assignment is a review/critique of the following articles:

Article: Martha Albertson Fineman, “What Place for Family Privacy?”

Article: Michele Estrin Gilman,
“Welfare, Privacy, and Feminism”

You are to write a short (12 point Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced) critical reflection on the reading assignment (the two articles above). No less than 2 pages and no more than 3 pages.

To help you get “started”, you may wish to answer (but do not feel limited to) the following questions:

Do you find the authors’ arguments compelling?
Do you agree with the notion of “family privacy”?
Are there reasons why “family privacy” may not be appropriate as a privacy framework?
Can privacy co-exist with welfare systems?
Is privacy an income-related concept?

The assignment:

1. Is to be emailed to me (in Word) no later than 14h30 (2:30 pm) on Wednesday, 2 March 2016; and 
2. Constitutes 10% of your final mark.

Clarity in writing, good organization and good analysis form the criteria for marking.